
What is Cohousing?
Cohousing communities are cooperative neighborhoods designed and developed by their residents. Individual, self-sufficient homes are clustered around a Common House with facilities like a dining room, large kitchen, children’s playroom, and library.
Most cohousing communities share 1 to 3 meals a week in the Common House, as well as other community projects and celebrations. Decisions are made by consensus, with a focus on shared resources and respectful communication.
Many residents of cohousing point to the daily contact with their neighbors as providing a connectedness, continuity and quality of life often lacking in today’s busy, disjointed, and isolating lifestyles.
Learn more about cohousing at www.cohousing.org
Rocky Hill Mission and Values
We value and strive toward:
Supporting and nurturing each community member, from infant to elder, and treating each other with kindness, compassion and respect.
Welcoming people of diverse identities, including race, ethnicity, spirituality, age, ability, sexual orientation, gender identity, family composition and socio-economic status.
Building relationships and connections through daily interactions, community meals, activities, celebrations, rituals, work and helping one another.
Raising children together in community.
A decision-making process that builds consensus by soliciting and valuing input from all, ensuring that everyone is heard and resulting in decisions that everyone can agree to live by.
Resolving conflicts through honest, direct and respectful communication.​
Giving our care, time and work to ourselves, our families and homes, our community at Rocky Hill, the wider community and the world.
Improving our collective and individual stewardship of the earth and minimizing our impact on the planet.
Creating and maintaining an emotional and physical environment that encourages and supports mutual concern and well-being.

Consensus Governance
Our community makes decisions using a consensus model. We hold Community Meetings once a month where we seek agreement on issues affecting the community.
We strive to have a collaborative, inclusive decision making process in which all voices are heard and all positions considered in choosing a course of action that is in the best interest of the community.